Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Prescription filled? Text. Package delivered? Text. School closing early? Text. Hair appointment reminder? Text. Yes, nowadays we receive a text instead of a phone call...

Julie Greenhalgh, RN, BSN, CNOR, began her career in the OR in 1975. After 42 years of inhaling surgical smoke, her lungs couldn’t take it anymore. She left the OR a couple years ago for the smoke-free sanctuary of office-based surgery...

The No. 1 benefit of rigid containers? That’s easy. They eliminate the punctures and tears of “torn-wrapper” syndrome, which gives you added assurance that your instruments...

Who earned more in 2018, our hospital readers or our surgery center readers? Depends. If you’re going straight salary, slightly better to be in a hospital. But if you’re going salary...

Product News; Great ideas for your OR

Cool Cataract Surgery Advances; These innovations promise to take ophthalmology's tried-and-true procedure to the next level.

Breaking the 3-Minute Turnover; Secrets to cleaning rooms in record time - and not missing a spot.

Keys to Safe Spine Surgery Positioning; The keys to injury prevention - neutral positioning and proactive padding.

Infection Prevention: Borescopes: Your Eyes on the Inside; Shed some light on the dark side of your devices.

Ideas That Work: Pull, Aim, Squeeze and Sweep; Can Your Staff Use A Fire Extinguisher?

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