Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2021 Issues

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Ideas That Work: Deaf Patients

Ideas That Work: Scheduling Solutions; Staffing After-Hours Cases

Product News: Great ideas for your OR

Ideas That Work: Whip Out Your Sharpie; Anesthesia Bag Art Deflates Kids' Fears

7 Tips for a Successful 4K Conversion; Inside our $2 million upgrade to ultra-high definition imaging.

Anesthesia Alert: In or Out of Love With Your Anesthesia Group? Before you switch providers, consider the true cost of divorce

New Ideas for Preventing Endophthalmitis; Intracameral antibiotics, proven to lower the rate of infection substantially, are catching on.

Ideas That Work: Location, Location, Location; Hang Your Hand Sanitizer Dispensers With Care

My Turn: Blessed to Let Go Together; My patient and I leave our grief over losing a loved one on PACU Bay 6

How to Answer Patients' Hernia Mesh Questions; Amongst fear and fabrication, be the voice of reason.

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