Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Elimnate clear liquid mix ups with this Idea That Works.

Legal update: Give Disruptive Docs the Boot - Outpatient Surgery Magaz

5 steps to safer sharps handling. These precautions limit risks of sticks and cuts.

Keeps patient throughput smooth with this Idea That Works.

Clear visibility ahead. Do your laparoscopic surgeons have unobstructed views?

Cutting Remarks: Beat-the-clock surgery. The never-ending pressure to perform is wearing thin.

Infection Prevention: How we set up our SSI surveillance program. Tracking infections gives you the upper hand in the fight against them.

Safety: Enhance your fire safety protocols. Address specific ignition risks during pre-op time outs.

Editor's Page: Deadly case of distracted doctoring. Don't let technology come between you and your patients.

Surgeons' Lounge: Paperwork Plus - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March

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