Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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What's new in minimally invasive surgery? It's all about improved visualization and less trauma at this year's SAGES Annual Meeting.

Make everone aware of what materials go in a sharps container with this Idea That Works from Morristown, New Jersey.

Airway management for tiny customers. Pediatric patients can present a unique set of challenges.

Editor's Page: Guilty ... Until the charges are dropped. How do you defend yourself against unfounded accusations?

Medical Malpractice: Cleared for surgery? You should have a clear protocol for obtaining medical clearances.

The long and short of hair femoval. Find out how you measure up against industry standards and your colleagues.

4 Secrets of smooth IV starts. An infusion nurse's practical advice for sidestepping common obstacles to first-stick success.

Staffing: Solve staff conflicts. Hear both sides of the issue before acting fairly and decisively.

Is It Worth More to See More in GI Endoscopy? 3 questions to ask before investing in colonoscopy's latest visualization innovations.

Objects of orthopedic desire. An afternoon spent browsing the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons exhibit hall.

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