Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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A new way to think about retained items. Studies on the psychology of counting helped shape AORN's updated prevention guideline.

6 tips to boost your colonoscopy service line. Here's how high-volume GI centers improve their efficiency and patient satisfaction.

No need to rewrite unchanged H&Ps with this Idea That Works from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Unobstructed view. Technology and techniques to help your laparoscopic surgeons see better.

Innovative Ideas: Discharge instructions done right.

Last one out cleans the OR. These 6 keys to terminal cleaning will leave your facility spotless after a hard day's work.

Keep kids comfortable and entertained before surgery with these Ideas That work from Massachusetts and California.

The trouble with transvaginal mesh. Why did the FDA ever approve a product that has injured thousands of women? There's plenty of blame to go around.

Rules of reprocessing: lumened instruments. Get back to the basics to properly sterilize these complex instruments.

Cutting remarks: Out to lunch. If you come back late from your break, you'd better have a good excuse.

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