Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Staff Safety: Sparing no Eexpense to keep staff safe. At TRIA Orthopaedic Center, employee safety is job No. 1.

Should we ue video laryngoscopes for all intubations? Why relegate the tool that gives you the best chance for success when difficult intubations arise to a backup role?

SSI prevention: SSI-Free: 14 years and counting! For Kindred Hospital in Las Vegas, it's been an epic run of success.

Legal Update: No. 1 HIPAA privacy risk? Snooping staff. Employees peeking at patients' medical records far from uncommon.

Keep kids comfortable and entertained before surgery with these Ideas That work from Massachusetts and California.

The trouble with transvaginal mesh. Why did the FDA ever approve a product that has injured thousands of women? There's plenty of blame to go around.

Rules of reprocessing: lumened instruments. Get back to the basics to properly sterilize these complex instruments.

Cutting remarks: Out to lunch. If you come back late from your break, you'd better have a good excuse.

A new way to think about retained items. Studies on the psychology of counting helped shape AORN's updated prevention guideline.

6 tips to boost your colonoscopy service line. Here's how high-volume GI centers improve their efficiency and patient satisfaction.

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