Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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Despite what anyone claims, nobody is a born leader. Sure, some people are born with certain skills — communication, showmanship, empathy, charisma...

My day begins at 5:45 a.m. sharp when I walk from pre-op to PACU to check on everything from medical gases to medications. Here’s the mental checklist I complete...

Soon after a total joint or a colon resection patient settles into his pre-op room at Mercy Health St. Elizabeth Boardman (Ohio) Hospital, he's greeted by a nurse holding a box...

To stay on top of your daily demands, host a daily morning huddle to get your team leaders on the same page. It’s a small change, but one that can help you manage...

Of the safety measures surgeons tend to turn their masks up at, double gloving ranks up there with safety sharps and smoke evacuation. But surgeons have loosened...

If your patient drinks all her prep the night before her colonoscopy screening, her colon will be fully cleaned out when she goes to bed. But the digestive system never sleeps....

You can improve the patient experience the old-fashioned way by adding compassion to your bedside manner, but you also should be looking for opportunities to leverage...

Will your infection prevention practices pass inspection with accreditors and state health departments? Keep your facility in compliance by downloading this free checklist...

You'll almost always pay more for premixed, prelabeled syringes prepared at a compounding pharmacy. You're paying not only for the drug, but also for the preparation time...

How can you expect your recovery room nurses to be on the lookout for pressure injuries when they don’t know what position the patient was in during surgery? A simple...

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