Outpatient Surgery Magazine Archive

2020 Issues

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After years of running your busy facility, you finally decide it's time to see if the grass really is greener on the other side. Problem is, it's been so long since you've updated...

An IV start should be a little pinch, not a big ouch, a minor procedure, not a major ordeal. Patients dread surgery's necessary evil — and your nurses might, too....

It's no secret that a stapler failure can quickly turn a routine procedure into an emergency. What's surprising is the alarming number of times staplers have misfired...

If you don't ask your patients if they smoke weed, you might want to start. As more states legalize both medicinal (33 states and D.C.) and recreational (10 states and D.C.)...

Yes, accreditation surveys are all but guaranteed to cause you some degree of stress. But a sense of overwhelming dread shouldn't accompany a surveyor's visit to...

Halyard designed this one-size-fits-most cap with the latest surgical attire recommendations from AORN in mind: Headwear should completely confine hair...

When it comes to retained surgical items (RSI), you shouldn't assume anything, you should prove it. And if you don't see it, you should find it. Working in surgery,...

Another reason to always read and follow IFUs: Some enzymatic detergents require that you test the water temperature before you clean instruments and devices...

Cleaning dirty endoscopes is a high priority, but the equally critical process of getting dirty scopes safely to the cleaning area — and keeping them clean on the way back...

Your surgeons might have the greatest training, the most accurate technique and work with cutting-edge equipment, but they can’t fix what they can’t see. Lighted...

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