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From speed bumps and sticky pads to arm tucks and tilt tests, you pull out all the stops to protect patients when you place them in the Trendelenburg position....
In an emergency, there's no time to waste. From bad weather to bad outcomes, your staff must be prepared to respond to all sorts of emergencies — knowing what to do...
Patients often neglect to share important health information with their anesthesia providers before surgery. They might not realize that taking ginkgo biloba for memory,...
Can a urology waiting room designed to look more like a locker room prod men to get a prostate exam? The urology department at Mount Sinai Health System is...
The next time you need a lesson in radiation safety, pop your head into a procedure room to watch an interventional pain doc at work....
Restaurant gift cards are nice, but if you’re looking for a way to honor your nurses for their extraordinary compassionate and skillful care in a way they’ll cherish long...
More and more, I wonder if I'm still outpatient surgery material. I don't mean writing for Outpatient Surgery Magazine, but rather keeping up with all those pretty, perky...
Our nurses and techs used to crawl around on their hands and knees in search of a suture needle missing from the final count. Not only were we at risk of a needlestick,...
If you've worked in an OR, you know the horror stories about surgical smoke. It could be the surgeon who never touched a cigarette suddenly developing lung cancer, the nurse...
There aren't many versions available in the U.S. right now, but single-use, disposable cystoscopes and ureteroscopes are beginning to make an impact in outpatient...
Scott Augustine, MD, begins an hourlong pitch about the dangers of the Bair Hugger forced-air patient warming system he invented — and is now campaigning against...
The Perks of Paperless Preference Cards; Digital platforms take the stress out of knowing you'll have the supplies you need when and where you'll need them.
On Point - Stay Ahead of the Curve; Outpatient ORs are poised to set the standard for innovative surgical care.
A Wide-Angle View of Today's Whole-Room Disinfection Systems; ??Which automated surface-sterilizing technology best suits your needs?
Surgical Video's Next Big Things; Don't look now, but it might be time to start thinking about replacing your facility's 4K monitors.
New-School Thinking in Sterile Reprocessing; Interactive imaging and the return of ethylene oxide will shape the future care of contaminated instruments.
Boost Your Adenoma Detection Rates; The latest scope upgrades enhance views of the colon to highlight hard-to-spot growths.
Adding On to Abdominal Surgery; Robots and interactive imaging technology are set to transform minimally invasive procedures.
Total Knees Go High-Tech; Robotics, custom implants and alignment tools are helping surgeons enhance joint function and improve long-term outcomes.
5 Key Advances in Anesthesia; The latest tools and techniques that enable safe and pain-free same-day discharge.