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You make every effort to ensure your patients’ comfort for the few hours that they pass through your facility, but what about your surgeons and staff? Like gladiators,...

To remind the surgical team of the correct surgical site, we printed out stacks of "left" and "right" signs and laminated each one. In pre-op, we clip a sign to the patient's...

Surgeons sometimes obsess over screen size, so fixated on a monitor's diagonal length that they overlook the 3 P's: positioning, proximity and pixels. Yes, size is...

Earlier this year, we performed a trigger finger and carpal tunnel surgery live on our Facebook page. The idea stemmed from a simple goal: We wanted to give our...

At our facility, we have 31 pre-op and PACU bays, and each of those bays has 2 to 4 big curtain panels. That's a lot of panels that need to be laundered throughout...

Monitoring hand hygiene compliance need not be a bore of a chore. No, you can make it fun. I gave our managers “Presidio Police” badges and water guns filled with...

If given a choice, patients would much prefer to get their post-op care instructions by watching a 1-minute video on a tablet in PACU rather than reading a packet...

We're told we are part of a surgery team. But how much teamwork actually happens where you work? OR nurses are known for being tough, smart, no-nonsense,...

When patients show up for surgery, our front desk receptionist hands them a numbered tag and writes the number on the envelope in which we keep their...

Cataract surgeons who claim they're not worried about piercing the posterior capsule with a sharp instrument or oscillating phaco tip? "They're either lying or...

We believe it’s a good idea for our community that we help patients with no insurance who are unable to have surgery. Some time ago, one of our surgeons was looking...

For all the benefits of laparoscopic cholecystectomy, a persistent problem continues to plague one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures:...

The pain response is a built-in warning system, nature’s way of protecting us from further harm. Chronic pain is more like nature’s nagging nuisance....

Here’s a look at 5 promising ways to tamp down the intense, persistent post-surgical pain of orthopedic surgery....

The Case for Cleaner OR Air; We're gaining a better understanding of the infection risks posed by airborne pathogens - and how to mitigate them.

Inside Our Zero-Tolerance Policy for SSIs; A team-based approach to implementing comprehensive protocols has led to a significant dip in infection rates.

Automated Instrument Tracking Seeks and Finds for You; Take full control of every instrument, implant and disposable in your inventory.

On Point: Inching Closer to Zero; Innovation and collaboration will help eliminate preventable SSIs.

We Succeeded With Nasal Decolonization; Our protocol is easy to implement, cost-effective and widely accepted by patients.

Hold Anesthesia Providers; Accountable in the Battle Against SSIs Q&A with Silvia Munoz-Price, MD, PhD, infectious disease specialist and proponent of proper infection control practices.

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