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Thinking of Buying...Surgical Power Tools - Outpatient Surgery Magazin

Sizing Up Stapling's Strides - Abdominal Surgery - March, 2012

Technology Confirms Correct Surgical Count - Abdominal Surgery - March

Are Your Tables Positioned For Surgical Success? - Abdominal Surgery -

In Cataract Surgery, The Little Things Matter - Outpatient Surgery Mag

Staffing - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2012

Business Advisor - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2012

Anesthesia Alert - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2012

Mesh Making Headlines For All the Wrong Reasons - Abdominal Surgery -

Legal Update - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March, 2012

Anesthesia Alert - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

How Would You Warm This Patient? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Febru

Are You Ready for a Malignant Hyperthermia Emergency? - Outpatient Sur

Legal Update - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

Ideas That Work - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

6 Tips for a Stress-Free Accreditation Survey - Outpatient Surgery Mag

Cutting Remarks - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

Thinking of Buying...Automated Endoscope Reprocessors - Outpatient Sur

Choose the Optimum Skin Prep - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February,

OR Excellence - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2012

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