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Inside Our Multimodal PONV Protocol - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
8 Great Tools To Enhance Cataract Surgery - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Coding & Billing - Beware the Auditors' Dirty Tricks - Outpatient Surg
Your Guide to Multimodal Anesthesia - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Secrets to Our No-Flash Policy - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - October
Editor's Page - Addicted to Stress? - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Staffing - Hire From Outside or Promote From Within? - Outpatient Surg
The Benefits of Online Registration - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Oc
Stay on Your Feet - Employee & Patient Safety - October, 2012
Why We Pre-Warm Our Patients - Employee & Patient Safety - October, 20
Our Hands-Off Approach to Sharps Safety - Employee & Patient Safety -
Avoid Medication Missteps - Employee & Patient Safety - October, 2012
Seamlessly Integrating Surgical Smoke Evacuation - Employee & Patient
The Many Faces of Wrong-Site Surgery Prevention - Employee & Patient S
Best Practices for C-Arm Safety - Employee & Patient Safety - October,
Are You Ready for an MH Emergency? - Employee & Patient Safety - Octob
2012 OR Excellence Awards - Financial Management - Outpatient Surgery
Staffing - How Do You Prepare for an OR Emergency? - Outpatient Surger
Thinking of Buying - Micro-Incisional Laparoscopic Instruments - Outpa
Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - September, 2012