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I am a surgeon, I am a patient. Lessons learned from my time on the table.

"Why do you keep it so cold in here?" A warm patient is a happy -- and healthy -- patient.

Intubate with care. Nothing ruins a patient's surgical experience like broken teeth, cut lips and airway bleeding.

Why patient-centered care matters. A follow-up phone call with Sandra Myerson, MBA, MS, BSN, RN

Let kids drift off with a comforting scent using this Idea That Works from Media, Pennsylvania.

Improve start times with this Idea That Works from Lafayette Louisiana.

What's new in anesthesia? Here are 11 problem-solving products sure to be on your anesthesia provider's wish list.

Are continuous nerve blocks worth the trouble? The benefits of pain catheters outweigh the drawbacks.

Editor's Page: Oxygen's underrated role in surgical fires. Of the 3 elements of the fire triangle, beware of the one you can't see.

Surgical Fire Q&A: "Even though most surgical fires last only about 4 or 5 seconds," says fire safety expert Mark Bruley, CCE, "they change lives."

The Surgeons' Lounge: Eye in the sky. Are Cameras in the OR a HIPAA Violation?

Is your sharps safety toolkit complete? The most common sharps injuries -- and what you need to prevent them.

Thinking of Buying ... Automated endoscope reprocessors? AERs make it easier to high-level disinfect your flexible scopes.

This Idea That Works from Houston, Texas will give you the key to well-stocked specialty carts.

Slip IV needles into the vein much easier with this Idea That Works Willmar Surgical Center.

The hard costs of SSIs. Preventing post-op infections is more cost-effective than treating them.

The art of the IV start. Slide in smoothly with first-stick success, even on barely visible and rolling veins.

The Surgeons' Lounge: A safer anesthetic. Will Phaxan challenge propofol's dominance?

Product News

Check for outdated supplies quickly and easily with this Idea That Works from Orange Park, Florida.

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