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Anesthesia Alert: IV Ibuprofen before surgery speeds recovery. Study: It pays to modulate the body's stress response to surgery.

Staffing: No Director of Nursing? No problem. Spread managerial responsibilities throughout the staff.

Behind Closed Doors: How to build a bad day. You don't have to try hard to have a rough shift.

Test driving fluid waste systems. Customer reviews of automated disposal options.

Objects of orthopedic desire. An afternoon spent browsing the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons exhibit hall.

Get patients to pay up. High-deductible plans put patients on the hook for thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. It's now your job to collect it.

How long before video laryngoscopy is the new standard of care? With their consistently clear airway views, they make difficult intubations routine.

Secrets of our busy pain management center. Here's how we keep patients satisfied and our center humming.

Talking Points: 7 must-ask questions in any negotiation. How to come out on top in your daily deal-making.

Inside the deadly duodenosocope outbreaks. Is enough being done to protect patients from dangerous infections?

Decontamination begins in the OR. How you care for and clean instruments in the OR plays a big role in their safe and speedy return.

Infections on the decline, but risks persist. Q&A with Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MPH, a national healthcare quality leader and SSI prevention expert.

Can you pass this surface disinfection quiz? Test your knowledge on the best way to keep your ORs clean and free from infection.

What's your double-gloving policy? Our survey shows that while double-gloving is catching on, there's still work to be done.

Putting patient warming into practice. Are your efforts to prevent hypothermia effective or just compliant?

Can you spell SSI with IUSS? Yes, but only if you do it backwards. Here's how to get immediate-use steam sterilization right.

Get straight on skin prepping. Pre-op antisepsis is hardly complex, but questions remain.

The lowdown on low-temp sterilization. Take the time to ensure your delicate items are reprocessed correctly.

Do you wear your scrubs home? Cleaning surgical attire in your washing machine puts patients and family members at risk.

Keeps patient throughput smooth with this Idea That Works.

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