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Take better care of your surgical instruments. Tips for extending the lives of your delicate and expensive tools.

Ask the experts: Should you add mini-laparoscopy? Top surgeons share their thoughts on the tiny tools and whether the technique is worth adding.

Coding & Billing: Are you leaving money on the table? Here's how to overcome 4 common revenue challenges.

10 products to boost your fight against SSIs. Consider these new innovations and old standbys to enhance your infection control strategy.

The case for biologic hernia repair. Though more costly, is there evidence that using biologic mesh results in lower infection and recurrence rates?

Should you add same-day spine? Building a spine program into the backbone of your schedule.

What's the Harm? Our readers challenge home-laundering scrubs and other sacred practices of surgery.

Use this Idea that Works to avoid delays in the perioperative process.

Product news.

Safety: Time for a new surgical checklist. It starts earlier, ends later, saves time and prevents complications.

Business Advisor: going green can save you green. 10 ways that environmental stewardship can really pay off.

Anesthesia's latest and greatest. A recap of the hottest new technologies on display at the annual meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Behind Closed Doors: The OR manager's holiday gift list. Any of these items would look great in our ORs.

In case you missed it. Top 10 viewed news features on

Make new hires into vets and keep longtime vets on their toes with this Idea That Works from Newport News, Virginia.

Cutting Remarks: The joys of ICD-10 documentation. The new coding system requires equal parts precision and patience.

Help speed OR turnovers between cases with this Idea That Works from Chico, California.

4 burning questions about patient warming. A skirmish over the science of warming is heating up.

Ideas That Work: Innovative ideas. Cleaning up the mess

Keep your stethoscopes from wandering off with this Idea That Works from Washington.

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