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In Case You Missed It ... Check out the hottest news and most-read stories from

Organize your policies like your accreditor does with this Idea That Works from Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Fixing our broken pre-admission process. We met our goal of 100% chart readiness by 6 p.m. on the night before surgery.

Clear out clutter with this Idea That Works from Atlanta, Georgia.

In search of the perfect hernia repair. The latest mesh options and fixation techniques are making surgery safer and more efficient.

Legal Update: Mini surgical construction boom ahead? Physician-owned hospitals might soon be able to add more beds.

Medical Malpractice: In an adverse event, honesty is the best policy. Open communication is the key to avoiding liability claims.

The new standard in endoscope reprocessing. A new national guideline offers clear advice for proper high-level disinfection.

Standardize your skin prep practices. Get patients, surgeons and staff on board with your pre-op bathing, hair-clipping and skin-antisepsis protocols.

Take the bundled approach to infection control. Standardized protocols optimize efforts to prevent SSIs.

Is FDA's push to ban powdered gloves long overdue? Experts say severe health hazards have been well known for years.

5 tips for better instrument decontamination. Removing variables and automating the process are the keys to better cleaning.

Making sure it's sterile. Sterilization assurance confirms what you can't see.

The link between warming and wound infections. The latest evidence shows that hypothermia during surgery is associated with greater infection risk.

Look beneath the surface. Take an in-depth look at how you disinfect your clinical environment.

Burning platforms, coordinated care and SSI prevention. Q&A with Zeev Kain, MD, PhD, anesthesiologist and perioperative surgical home proponent.

A day in the life of an endoscope. Your scopes are flexible. Your reprocessing standards shouldn't be.

Innovative Ideas That Work - Simple Staffing Solutions.

Medical Malpractice: How to avoid product liability lawsuits. Your facility may be on the hook for defective drugs and devices.

Cutting Remarks: Are we going overboard with patient safety? Sometimes you have to overrule overprotective staff members.

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