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Indicate when a case cart is complete with this Idea That Works from La Jolla, Calif.
Reducing the risk of wrong-site surgery. Key defenses in the battle to eliminate preventable harm include the time out, pre-operative verification process and site marking.
Improve your polyp detection rates. Advances in flexible endoscopy enhance your ability to visualize the colon's walls and peer behind its folds.
Save time and energy pulling clases with this Idea That Works from Corinth, Miss.
Find a vein with ease using this Idea That Works from Langhorne, Pa.
Infection prevention: A gross cure for recurrent <em>C. diff</em>. When antibiotics fail, fecal transplants are remarkably effective.
Reduce pediatric patients anxiety with this fun Idea That Works from San Antonio, Texas.
Keep your SCDs dry with this Idea That Works from Dallas, Texas.
Editor's page: As one surgical center closes, another opens. Florida's first ASC says goodbye as a persistent eye doc claims victory.
Let your patients feel in control of the check-in process with this Idea That Works from New York, N.Y.
Are prefilled syringes worth it? Yes, you'll spend more, but you'll waste less medication and you'll spend less time drawing it up and labeling it.
Reduce the risks of high-alert medication errors with this Idea That Works from Dallas, Texas.
Anesthesia alert: Coping with the boredom of anesthesia. Do occasional distractions help anesthesia providers stay sharper?
The case for robotic hernia. They're a minimally invasive opportunity for the vast majority of surgeons who haven't had a chance to master laparoscopic hernia repair.
Warming up to Normothermia. A new CMS quality measure will require ASCs to track their ability to keep patients warm. Are you ready?
Don't forget to clean surfaces in a surgical facility, try this Idea That Works from Atlanta, Ga.
Reprocess single-use devices with this Idea That Works from Bryn Mawr, PA.
This safe injection surveillance worksheet is an Idea That Works from Eads, Tenn.
Cataract surgery technology update. Forget the marketing pitches -- our reader survey reveals what's making a real difference in eye surgery today.
Product News - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - August, 2017