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Perfect your patient warming protocols. It takes a total team effort to maintain normothermia in patients from pre-op to the PACU.

What would you do if bullets started to fly? Lenworth M. Jacobs, MD, MPH, FACS, surgeon and proponent of preparing for active shooter events.

Make MH drills count. Realistic practice sessions could someday prove to be life-saving exercises.

Sell surgeons on safety scalpels. Emphasizing the personal and financial costs of sharps injuries will help get safer blades into your ORs.

Two gloves are better than one. Double-gloving can be a hard sell, but there are plenty of reasons to make it mandatory.

Lessons from 3 wrong-site surgeries. Focus on what really happened, not what's supposed to happen.

Are your patients at risk of DVT? The vascular surgeon who created the Caprini Score discusses how to protect your patients from life-threatening blood clots.

Sterile processing safety check. The unsung heroes of your facility deserve to work without worry.

Let's ban surgical smoke. It's time to protect all surgical professionals from the harmful effects of toxic plumes.

Secure the safety of patients and staff with this Idea That Works from Florida.

Make things a little easier for your surveyor with this Idea That Works from Georgia.

Patient Satisfaction: Hired to exceed expectations. For the staff of Mackinac Straits Health System Surgery Center, going "above and beyond" is part of the job.

Deep dive into VTE prevention. Match prophylaxis to patient-specific risks to guard against clot formation.

Be sure to operate on the correct operative site with this Idea That Works from Florida.

SSI Prevention: A bridge between infection prevention and the OR. A late career switch stamping out surgical site infections.

Patient Safety: "Burning Bruce" drives home the reality of surgical fires. Frighteningly realistic drills are the norm for the Stony Point Surgery Center.

Secrets to speedy OR turnover times. How to turn rooms over safely and efficiently.

This Idea That Works from Maryland, will help eliminate danger to staff and risk of infection when checking blood sugar.

Are those stethoscopes clean? You may be ignoring this common source of pathogens.

Medical Malpractice: The limits of informed consent. Can patients claim damages if they were aware of the risks?

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