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Patient Safety: Priority One Protecting Patients; Houston Physicians' Hospital is committed to optimizing patient safety.
Staffing: 4 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Complainers; Don't minimize the potential damage from staff negativity.
2018 OR Excellence Awards;There's a little piece of you in each of this year's winners.
Ideas That Work: Cover Panels Guard Door; Do Not Enter: UV Room Disinfection in Process
Ideas That Work: Our Pre-op Bedside Briefing
Financial Management: The Perioperative Olympics; In one quarter, 52 staff-generated, gold-medal, money-saving ideas have resulted in $121,000 in savings.
Ideas That Work: Do You Count Your Propofol?
Patient Satisfaction: Up Close and Unscripted; Staff at Bayfront Health Spring Hill encouraged to be themselves with patients.
Business Advisor: Unlock Your Equipment's Hidden Expiration Date; Know years in advance when you'll need to replace big-ticket items.
Expert Tips for Total Joint Efficiency;Build your program on these pillars of success.
Behind Closed Doors: Things That Make You Go Hmmm...Am I the only one who notices this stuff?
Ideas That Work: Rx for Sheltering 200 People in Place
Infection Prevention: Zero Infections and Counting; Small improvements made a big difference in this hospital's quest to eliminate surgical site infections.
Ideas That Work: Where Do You Store Patient Belongings?
Product News; Great ideas for your OR
10 Tips for Safer Electrosurgery; Use these guidelines to keep both patients and staff safe.
There's That Cataract Van Again; Does outsourcing cataracts make sense for your facility?
Anesthesia Alert: 8 Little-Known Facts About Ketamine; Anesthetic and analgesic properties that make Special K special.
Employee Safety: An Exhaustive 3-year Quest for 12 Smoke-Free ORs; Northwest Hospital is the first hospital in Maryland to be completely smoke-free.
Shopping for a Compounding Pharmacy: Ask these 5 key questions to find the right drug supplier.