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Ideas That Work: Meds To Beds;Ideas That Work: Meds To Beds

Staffing: Impressionist Movement: Use art to sharpen your staff's observation and communication skills.

The Rise of Flat-Panel C-arms; What's fueling the move from traditional image intensifiers to digital flat-panel detectors?

Ideas That Work: Fun Ride to the OR; Climb Aboard the Worm Wagon

The High Risks of High-Touch Surfaces; How do you assess cleanliness when a visually clean item can still harbor contamination?

Ideas That Work: Code 13; Anonymous Text Is a Simple Safety Solution

Business Advisor: Will That Equipment Pay for Itself? The key question to answer before you buy your next big-ticket item.

Ideas That Work: Coban Bandage Art for Cochlear Implant Kids

Innovations in ENT Surgery; What you need to know about middle ear endoscopy, virtual reality sinus navigation and a new sleep apnea surgery.

Ideas That Work: Patient Satisfaction; Itinerary Details the Trip From Pre-op to PACU

Product News: Great ideas for your OR

What's New in Regional Anesthesia;A quick update on a few exciting developments - and news of a couple setbacks.

10 Clever Products for Your ORs; Neat, new devices designed to prevent patient harm and keep staff safe and comfortable.

Ideas That Work: Pathology; Standardize Your Specimen Management Carts

The Future of 3D Imaging Is Now; Surgeons are using augmented reality and heads-up displays to plan and perform better surgery.

A Look Back at OR Excellence 2018: We had a blast on the beach last month in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

Anesthesia Alert: Tips to Avoid Wrong-Site Nerve Blocks; Regional anesthesia has its own set of safety principles.

Ideas That Work: Anxiety Scale; Are Your Patients Feelingor?

Thinking of Buying... Non-Latex Surgical Gloves; Safety for your OR team and patients without sacrificing comfort, fit or feel.

Behind Closed Doors: Giving Thanks; You'll see how blessed you really are when you count your blessings.

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