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Are You Ready to Handle Difficult Airways? Have a plan in place and needed tools on hand to solve challenging intubations.

On Point: Help Solve the Opioid Crisis

On the Fast Track; 6 keys to shorter stays in the recovery room.

An Inspiring Second Place Finish After 26.2 Miles; Q&A with Sarah Sellers, CRNA, 2018 Boston Marathon runner-up.

Tools to Improve Medication Safety; To eliminate administration mistakes, you have to eliminate the human factor.

Time to Upgrade Your Anesthesia Machines? The newest models help providers deliver inhalational agents safely, precisely and economically.

Your Options in Patient Warming; The benefits of preventing hypothermia extend well beyond warm welcomes.

The Case for Continuous Nerve Blocks; Get on board with the best way to manage post-op pain without opioids.

Patient Monitoring Essentials; Capnography and pulse oximetry provide additional reassurance whenever anesthesia is administered.

How to Organize Your MH Carts; Standardized supplies will help your staff save a life when every second counts.

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