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Inside Our Zero-Tolerance Policy for SSIs; A team-based approach to implementing comprehensive protocols has led to a significant dip in infection rates.

Hold Anesthesia Providers; Accountable in the Battle Against SSIs Q&A with Silvia Munoz-Price, MD, PhD, infectious disease specialist and proponent of proper infection control practices.

We Succeeded With Nasal Decolonization; Our protocol is easy to implement, cost-effective and widely accepted by patients.

On Point: Inching Closer to Zero; Innovation and collaboration will help eliminate preventable SSIs.

Automated Instrument Tracking Seeks and Finds for You; Take full control of every instrument, implant and disposable in your inventory.

The Case for Cleaner OR Air; We're gaining a better understanding of the infection risks posed by airborne pathogens - and how to mitigate them.

Solving the Surprising Skin Prep Problem; Believe it or not, there's a good chance your staff isn't complying with proper application protocols.

Surgery's Dirty Little Secret; A closer look at why contaminated instruments continue to turn up in too many ORs.

Real-time OR Monitoring Leads to Better, Safer Surgery; QA with Teodor Grantcharov, MD, PhD, FACS, creator of surgery's 'black box' and believer that data doesn't lie.

On Point - Stay Ahead of the Curve; Outpatient ORs are poised to set the standard for innovative surgical care.

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