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Hospital employee claims GI doc sexually assaulted patient after she was given propofol. She's suing him and his former gastroenterology practice.

Woman secretly records OR team talking about her while she's unconscious. Listen to the audio woman captured during her hernia surgery.

Calif. law would require oral surgeons to be more open about anesthesia risks. Parents say a separate anesthesia provider and monitoring equipment might have saved 6-year-old Caleb Sears.

Report: Olympus hiked prices on replacement scopes during superbug outbreak. E-mails show scope maker Olympus focused on sales throughout cross-contamination crisis.

Nurse admits to texting photo of unconscious patient's penis. She lost her job and her license after coworkers complained.

The 6 nursing lessons I learned from the sleep apnea death of my teenage son. Nurse warns of the dangers of opioids after her son passes away from respiratory depression after surgery.

Are sales reps in the OR responsible when devices fail? Patient lawsuit over spinal implant that cracked in half points accusatory finger at rep in the room.

Doctors hope they've found a way to heal torn ACLs. Preliminary study shows new technique facilitates regrowth of torn ACLs.

Stryker guarantees its sponge-scanning system will prevent retained items. Company announces "SurgiCount Promise" multi-million dollar risk-sharing program.

Video: Toyota helps overhaul California hospital. 'What on earth does making cars have to do with hospitals and health care?'

FDA says powdered gloves have to go. While use of these gloves is decreasing, agency says they pose an unreasonable and substantial risk of illness or injury.

Suit: Surgeon removed wrong rib and then lied about it. "The cover-up is worse than the crime here," says patient's lawyer.

Rare brain disease detected in patient. Arkansas facility reopens after a possible diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Are you committing these common lapses in infection prevention? These are most likely to saddle you with a CMS citation.

Taxing Question: Is it an ASC or part of a hospital? A bundle of cash is riding on the designation.

Court: Surgical hospital could Be liable for nurse sexually assaulting patient. The hospital is accused of failing to provide background checks and adequately training staff of sexual misconduct prevention.

Has double-booking surgery gone too far? U.S. Senate scrutinizing doctors who do 2 operations at once.

Ethicon pulling Sedasys Anesthesia System. The computerized propofol delivery device was touted as the future of anesthesiology, but failed to take off in the U.S.

Anesthesiologist accused of failing to respond while woman, 29, slipped away. Wrongful death suit also questions how well equipped freestanding surgical centers are to handle emergencies.

How did "Never Events" become routine? Ineffective time outs cause 4 wrong-sites within 40 days.

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