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Patient allegedly infested With maggots following surgery. Lawsuit accused Florida hospital of providing unsanitary care.

FDA OKs first implant to reshape cornea. The Raindrop Near Vision Inlay improves near vision by changing the shape of the cornea.

Anesthesiologist responsible for woman who bled to death in PACU. Anesthesia group must pay up after patient bleeds out in recovery. A hernia repair patient suffered from internal bleeding in PACU for more than 2 hours before undergoing emergency surgery.

Did hospital ignore contaminated scopes and infected patients? When nurse pushed for officials to report the outbreak, she claims she was forced out of her job.

AmSurg, Envision Healthcare merge to form physician staffing giant. What will become of AmSurg's 250 ambulatory surgery centers?

Obesity device drains a portion of stomach contents after meals into the toilet. The AspireAssist obesity device consists of a tube that connects the inside of the stomach to a port outside of the abdomen.

Hospitals will likely soon be required to have antibiotic-stewardship programs. Antibiotic-resistant organisms are a growing threat, says CMS.

U. of Louisville Hospital Now Unsafe, Vice Chair of Surgery Insists -

Patient claims surgeon left pedicle screw in her after spinal fusion surgery. Suit: pedicle screw left in patient's body for 2 days after surgery. The patient claims that retained device left her with femoral nerve damage and the need to use a wheelchair.

Colorado tech accused of stealing syringes is HIV positive. Thousands of patients undergo testing for possible exposure.

San Diego hospital sued over secret videos of exposed female patients. The videos came to light as a result of alleged effort to foil drug diversion.

Potential doomsday mcr-1 gene found in first U.S. patient. The mutant gene resists all known antibiotics and can easily be passed between bacteria.

Patient Wakes Up, Makes Death Threats to Connecticut Surgery Center Staff. Police say she hit and punched staff members, yelled "I'm one of those bad people!"

Bair Hugger target of suit claiming it caused deadly infection. Manufacturer blames rival and opportunistic lawyers, insists warming device is safe.

UnitedHealthcare accused of withholding payments to Indiana ASCs. The insurer says it's merely recouping past overpayments.

ACS improves its Surgical Risk Calculator. The popular online tool will be modified later this year to become even more accurate.

When small hospitals outperform big hospitals. Study shows several common procedures performed at rural facilities are safer and less expensive.

A cataract surgeon can't be blamed for failure of anesthesia providers, jury finds. Suit was brought by patient who moved twice during cataract surgery, causing complications.

California out-of-network ASCs granted $9.5 million settlement in United Healthcare underpayment case.

Joan Rivers's family settles malpractice suit. Joan Rivers's docs accept blame, agree to pay "substantial" amount. Anesthesiologist's notes detailed the chaotic series of events that preceded Ms. Rivers's death.

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