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Full, detailed schedule for the OR Excellence 2021 conference

A pair of dynamic and experienced healthcare professionals will discuss the skills needed to advance your career and develop a team full of leaders at OR Excellence 2021.

Demetrio Aguila III, MD, FACS, wants surgeons to provide world-class care that doesn’t saddle patients with crushing financial debt, and ensures buy-in from the patient...

Brenda Ulmer, MN, RN, CNOR, and Angela Hohn, RN, BSN, BS, CNOR, have accomplished so much together that it’s almost impossible to believe that the two...

Manhattan’s Upper East Side where he cares for patients suffering from glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), the most aggressive form of brain cancer. It’s why Dr. Boockvar’s...

To strengthen diversity, equity and inclusion in health care, surgical leaders must step up and take purposeful action. Carter Todd, MS, RN, CCRN, a nurse leader with...

Information about OR Excellence 2021's on-demand educational content for surgical leaders.

Last year, OR Excellence went fully virtual for the first time in its 12-year history. It was a resounding success. More than 2,000 attendees from across the country and around the world...

A condensed schedule of Outpatient Surgery Magazine's 2021 Virtual OR Excellence.

By now everyone is an expert in how to attend and participate in virtual meetings and conferences. During the pandemic, we all learned how to navigate virtual events...

I just spent three weeks at a hospital giving out COVID-19 vaccines. Or at least trying to. The area where I worked was in a huge building with lots of space to accommodate crowds that didn't show. Fourteen vaccine administration...

Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.

Mary Jane. Weed. Pot. Marijuana is known by many different names. While it's been used recreationally for years, more states are legalizing its use. The variety and availability of marijuana-derived products...

The full-time coder at your busy surgery center is an hourly employee who constantly logs 60-hour workweeks. You're looking to cut your overtime budget and also do the right thing for the hardworking employee by...

At the onset of the pandemic, William Padula, PhD, MS, MSc, saw something distressing among the frontline doctors and nurses speaking on TV. "They had deep dark cuts and bruises all along their forehead, underneath their eyes...

It's important to include family members in the care of their loved ones on the day of surgery. Family members provide vital information about patients and help to ensure discharge instructions are followed, which prevents...

Last winter, our hospital’s surgical department closed and the entire outpatient surgery team was displaced to work in COVID-19 units. To boost spirits and morale when we returned to the OR, I planned a Step into Spring challenge...

John C. Britt, MD, can remember when he would use image-guided navigation technology only for difficult or revision sinus surgery. Earlier versions of the technology...

My partner and I offer free phone consultations for prospective patients to provide them with a timely diagnosis of their health conditions and schedule the treatments they need. That’s especially important when dealing with...

One compromised username and password. That's how hackers from the cybercriminal group DarkSide gained access to Colonial Pipeline's servers in April, prompting the shutdown of 5,500 miles of pipes that move...

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