All 10360 Results

If you want to get a glimpse into the potential of outpatient surgery, look no further than orthopedics. Surgeons, armed with the industry’s latest technologies and tools,...

Manual surface cleaning isn’t completely effective. Your staff can’t eliminate every pathogen, no matter how much elbow grease they apply and diligence they display....

Instrument cleaning and sterilization is a complicated process rife with potential oversights and failures, so how can you be completely certain your facility’s tools are...

You notice a sudden rise in the patient’s temperature and end-tidal CO2 levels along with an elevated heart rate and the early signs of muscle rigidity. The symptoms point...

Most cataract surgeons can remove a cloudy natural lens and implant an IOL in less than 10 minutes, so high-volume ophthalmic facilities thrive by finding ways to...

New Book Honors Black Surgeons; The publication provides a historical perspective on today’s healthcare inequalities. - Outpatient Surgery Magazine

The steady movement of total hip and knee arthroplasties to outpatient ORs shows no signs of slowing down thanks to advances in minimally invasive surgical...

Angela Francois couldn’t sleep. The painful numbness in her hands was waking her up in the middle of the night on a more consistent basis. She had been experiencing...

My favorite part about going on a trip is coming home. I’m not opposed to traveling and have been fortunate to visit incredible cities and beautiful beaches, but my stampless passport is collecting dust in my nightstand...

Shelley Harris, RN, opted for the transient lifestyle when she was young, single and ready to explore the world. Twenty-two years later, she’s still at it. The New Hampshire...

Reprocessing techs should identify and address broken, missing or incorrect instruments before sending sterilized sets to surgery, according to recent research....

Outpatient facilities run lean by design, but shortages have created gaps along the front lines that are stretching existing staff thin at even the healthiest of facilities....

Two decades ago, most plastic surgeries were performed in hospitals. Patients, even those who underwent minimally invasive procedures, were usually required to stay...

The importance of same-day outpatient cardiology was on full display in 2020 — during the worst months of the pandemic — and I was fortunate enough to be in the thick...

What role does patient education play in moving more complex procedures to an ASC setting? It’s one of the key factors in a successful surgery. You want to give people the most information possible so there are no surprises....

Supreme Court Upholds Vaccine Requirement for Healthcare Workers; The ruling requires facilities to have a fully vaccinated staff by the end of next month.

Sometimes it takes an unprecedented global event to help facilities refocus their efforts on the basic, tried-and-true protocols that fell by the wayside as pressing issues demanded immediate attention. COVID-19 was...

Less than a decade ago, virtually all spine surgeries were performed on an inpatient basis. The reason for this was much more than an antiquated belief that those who had just had back surgery should be immobilized...

I believe the velocity of change is more rapid in health care than it is in any other industry. That’s a good thing. It’s this exponential growth that has allowed ASCs and HOPDs to deliver care today that was unimaginable...

You’re probably aware that AORN’s evidence-based surgical attire guideline promotes cleanliness in the surgical space to protect patients and personnel from transmission...

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