Surveyor Says ... Dings that might surprise you. Our annual look at accreditors' odd and unusual dings.
Avoid these 5 anesthesia tests.
Update multiple anesthesia providers with a dry erase board and this Idea That Works from Maryville, Tennessee.
When faced to an active shooter situation, how would you respond?
Product News
Behind Closed Doors: Weathering the surgical forecast. Going to OR 1? Bring an umbrella.
Court orders surgeon to pay $40,000 for kicking nurse. He says it was done playfully. She says he has a history of hostile behavior.
7 steps to safer endoscope reprocessing. Are your techs cleaning your scopes the right way?
Hospital chain, insurer say no to morcellation. University of Pittsburgh group won't do it, Highmark won't pay for it.
Johnson & Johnson asks customers to return morcellators. Impassioned debate accompanies decision.
Could electronic reminders cut infection rates? Researchers explore the use of text messages to ensure patients' pre-op bathing compliance.
Canadian hospital sued over improperly cleaned retractor. 147 bariatric patients may have been exposed to bioburden on retractor.
Sedate by day, pimp by night. Seattle-area anesthesiologist reportedly caught with cash and hookers at residential brothels.
W.Va. pain physician benched for unsafe practices. Dr. Chalifoux reused syringes, didn't wear mask
Suit claims hospital altered consent form in disfigured penis case. Anesthesiologist says surgeon switch left her husband disfigured.
Advances in Arthroscopy. Technological innovations and state-of-the-art tools have dramatically improved joint surgery.
Get the upper hand on orthopedic pain. 5 strategies to manage post-surgical pain in your ortho patients.
Power tool preferences. Keep these factors in mind when equipping your surgeons.
To eliminate SSIs, we went back to square one. The way we'd always done things wasn't good enough.
C-Arm essentials: Recent advances provide greater flexibility, precision and clarity.