Avoid sliding during surgery with these comfortable, washable, breathable swiming shoes. An Idea That Works from Flint, Michigan.
Know when your patient is ready for surgery with a simple addition to your schedule board and this idea that works from Sumter, South Carolina.
The FDA is still weighing the pros and cons of using morcellation for minimally invasive hysterectomies.
Save time and money with prefab signs and this Idea That Works from Corinth, Mississippi.
7 cool new products for your GI docs. Advances on display at Digestive Disease Week focused on improving adenoma detection rates.
Surveyor Says ... Dings that might surprise you. Our annual look at accreditors' odd and unusual dings.
Avoid these 5 anesthesia tests.
Update multiple anesthesia providers with a dry erase board and this Idea That Works from Maryville, Tennessee.
When faced to an active shooter situation, how would you respond?
Product News
Behind Closed Doors: Weathering the surgical forecast. Going to OR 1? Bring an umbrella.
Court orders surgeon to pay $40,000 for kicking nurse. He says it was done playfully. She says he has a history of hostile behavior.
7 steps to safer endoscope reprocessing. Are your techs cleaning your scopes the right way?
Coding & Billing: Mixed Reviews for 2015 ASC Payment Rule - Outpatient
Time for a clean break from your old washers? Experts weigh in on some key factors to consider.
Cutting Remarks: Going under the strife at our new ASC. Our new center is giving us a major migraine -- and it's yet to open.
Use paper towels to make sure your nurses are using the right sized sleeves with this Idea That Works from Palo Alto, California.
Business Advisor: The secret to winning the battle for surgeons. The key to recruiting new docs is giving them what they want.
Infection Prevention: Are there benefits to pre-op bathing? What we know and how to improve this skin prep practice.
Calm nerves before surgery with this Idea That Works from Seaford, Delaware.