All 10388 Results

Surgeons' Lounge: No IV, No NPO. How Do You Handle Straight Local Cases?

Surgeons Lounge: Keyhole Injuries. A Safer Trocar.

Protect delicate instruments with this Idea That Works from Warsay, Ind.

Surgeons Lounge: App store. Text the Patient's Family Updates from the OR

Simple steps for going greener. You don't have to go to the ends of the earth for your environmental efforts.

Smooth a fiberglass cast with this Idea That Works from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Make diabetic blood sugar monitoring easier on your PACU nurse and OR circulator with this Idea that Works from Jefferson City, Mo.

Prevent blood pressure cuffs from kinking with this Idea That Works from Galion, Ohio.

Safety: The ABC's of electrosurgery. A pop quiz to test your staff's knowledge.

Prioritize room turnovers with this Idea That Works from Pittsfield, Mass.

Manning the hotline for malignant hyperthermia. A conversation with the physician you're likely to reach in a real MH emergency.

Use this number system to track processing of your scopes with this Idea That Works from Little Rock, Arkansas.

Tools to improve your arthroscopy service. Faster turnaround and better outcomes are within reach.

Surgeons' Lounge: Be good to yourself. 5 Ways to Avoid Caregiver Burnout

Behind Closed Doors: School of hard knocks. What if CEUs were based on real-world challenges surgical nurses face?

Not the retiring type. Many OR nurses are working into their golden years — and showing no signs of slowing down.

10 products that help keep employees safe. Help prevent cuts, trips, strains, exposures and more.

Twenty percent of surgeons didn't wash their hands in bathroom. Danish study observed hand hygiene gap -- at American College of Surgeons' conference.

The anesthesiologist in Joan Rivers's fatal endoscopy revealed. Renuka Reddy Bankulla, MD, no longer works at Yorkville Endoscopy.

Severely burned patient sues physicians and hospital. Electrocautery device ignited oxygen that had built up around her face.

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