Does endoscope reprocessing keep you up at night? Following these 7 steps will ensure patient safety and extend the life of the delicate instruments.
Post-op pain summit. Leading pain management experts predict what analgesic regimens might look like in the not-so-distant future.
Ideas That Work: Blanket security. Tie warming blankets to bed posts.
Thinking of Buying ... A Phaco Machine? Is it time to replace your facility's phaco system?
Surgeons' Lounge: OR etiquette. In search of a surgical code of conduct.
Behind Closed Doors: Where no nurse has gone before. Is the OR of the future a dream or a nightmare?
Editor's Page: Sexual Predators in the OR - Outpatient Surgery Magazin
Business Advisor: Create yur own YouTube channel. Online procedure videos are a great way to show off your facility.
3D video in depth. Waiting for 4K? 3D is here and transforming surgery.
Ideas That Work: Where are my cothes? Here is a simple way to ID patient belongings.
Maryland Hospital rocked by auditor's sterile processing report. But fired manager of dreadful department claims discrimination.
5 products to make your anesthesia more efficient. Are your providers equipped with these helpful technologies?
What's the standard for pre-op showers? An infection prevention researcher responds to updated skin prepping guidelines.
The case for rigid containers. Is it time to make a clean break from blue wrap?
Surgeons' Lounge: Teamwork. Don't soak the pans.
Surgeons' Lounge: Orientation just got easier.
Cutting Remarks: Patients say the darndest things. Knee cartridge, torn labrium, rotary cup and other mad malaprops.
Anesthesia Alert: Are older patients getting too much anesthesia?
Achieving world-class turnover time. Help in the never-ending battle to shorten the time between wheels out to wheels in.
Surgeons' Lounge: Clear facemask. A see-through surgical mask.