Ideas That Work: Take Good Care of Your Delivery Drivers


Are you are on a first-name basis with the men and women who bring important supplies and equipment to your facility on a weekly (or sometimes daily) basis? Bill Willis, RN, the ASC director at Vance Thompson Vision in Sioux Falls, S.D., knows his facility wouldn’t run as smoothly without these dedicated and dependable workers, so his staff leaves a variety of snacks and cold drinks near where they make their drop-offs. “We fill one cooler with water, sports drinks and soda, and another with popcorn, fruit and snack-sized candy,” says Mr. Willis. “It doesn’t take a lot of effort or expense, and drivers are appreciative of the gesture.” OSM

Have your own great Idea That Works? Send it to us at [email protected]! We might feature it in an upcoming issue.

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