1182 Results for Ideas That Work

Let’s face it, double-gloving isn’t cheap — especially if you’re using a two-glove system with built-in color indicators....

Virtually every surgery center’s patient satisfaction scores take a dip or miss the target from time to time. What matters is how centers respond....

A study recently published in the American Journal of Infection Control, “Right-sizing Expectations for Hand Hygiene Observation Collection”, argues that hand hygiene...

When you give staff the power and the freedom to not only bring fresh ideas to the table, but also to weave those ideas into the day-to-day workflow, great things can...

Surgery centers often rely on generic and sometimes confusing systems for labeling supplies....

Joseph Rosenbaum, MD, clinical director of hand surgery at Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, N.J., is a longtime and enthusiastic practitioner of the Wide-Awake Local...

Choosing the right work gear for your feet is far from a no-brainer when your job is in the perioperative arena....

As the year comes to an end and facilities take stock of their practices in 2024, it’s helpful to review concerns expressed by patient safety groups and consider the...

Tampa Surgery Center serves a large volume of patients who receive laser eye treatments, including YAG capsulotomy, superior and inferior selective laser...

Got a backlog of colonoscopy cases clogging up your center’s schedule? Blocking out just one Saturday a year to focus on the backlog can work wonders....

Sterile processing leaders do everything they possibly can to ensure staff follow all the intricate steps and complex processes necessary to ensure surgical instruments are...

Here’s a free resource you’ll want to let your staff know about: The MH App is a simple yet valuable tool for handling a malignant hyperthermia (MH) crisis....

ASC Month may just have passed, but it’s never too early to start planning for next year because we all know how quickly these months fly by....

The environmental services (EVS) team at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Conn., found that using a product that turns their standard wipes from white to blue resulted in rooms...

The peer-to-peer orientation process for new nurses and surgical technicians at OAM Surgery Center at MidTowne in Grand Rapids, Mich., was not only time-consuming but...

Coinciding with last month’s announcement from the World Health Organization of a global health emergency regarding mpox, the Association for Professionals in Infection...

Part of the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania’s (HUP) entry that won the OR Excellence Pain Management Award this year includes the placement of an alert...

When Hunterdon Center for Surgery in Flemington, N.J., shifted from paper charting to EMR, it acquired wheeled desks for the laptops its nurses and other providers would...

When it came to surveilling SSIs, Baptist Health South Florida’s Outpatient Services unit was, in the words of its nurse leaders, “tracking everything, but tracking nothing....”

A poster from the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) can help providers understand the differences in what to look for while staging pressure injuries...

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