Take our blanket warmers quiz. Bonus points if you know the recommended maximum temperature for warming cabinets, and if warmed blankets can burn a patient.
Our switch from blue wrap to sterile containers. A busy orthopedic hospital's containerizing conversion.
Pearls to prevent cross-contamination. Infection preventionists share their top SSI threats and what you can do to stop them.
Is prolonged fasting hurting your patients? Our survey found that most surgical facilities routinely instruct patients to fast for excessively long pre-op periods
Legal Update: Tapping into the self-insured employer market. Direct contracts with employers cut out insurance's middleman.
Behind Closed Doors: I'm Not "Just a Nurse". We're more than most people realize. Marginalize us at your own risk.
Ideas That Work: Innovative ideas. 4 Ways to Boost Your Hand Hygiene Efforts
Anesthesia Alert: The great LMA debate. Should you remove it before or after the patient wakes up?
Ethicon pulling Sedasys Anesthesia System. The computerized propofol delivery device was touted as the future of anesthesiology, but failed to take off in the U.S.
Clear visibility. Don't let smoke, fog and debris impede your surgeon's view.
Medical Malpractice: suits from slips, trips and falls. What's your liability when a patient takes a tumble at your facility?
Business Advisor: Time to dust off those preference cards. Ensuring they're accurate and up to date pays off in big ways.
Anatomy of a glove trial. Find the best fit with these 7 factors.
Cutting Remarks: Are we really discharging that patient? The little white lies we tell our patients to send them home sooner.
Tools for better blocks. Kick your continuous nerve blocks up a notch with these new products.
12 tips for safe Trendelenburg positioning. Read this surgeon's advice before you lower the head and raise the feet of another patient.
Product News
Staffing: Deal with difficult employees head on. Deal With Difficult Employees Head On If you can't curb their bad behavior, get rid of the offenders.
Spend a little time to avoid possible patient infection with this Idea That Works from Nebraska.
Anesthesiologist accused of failing to respond while woman, 29, slipped away. Wrongful death suit also questions how well equipped freestanding surgical centers are to handle emergencies.