All 10368 Results

Video: Toyota helps overhaul California hospital. 'What on earth does making cars have to do with hospitals and health care?'

FDA says powdered gloves have to go. While use of these gloves is decreasing, agency says they pose an unreasonable and substantial risk of illness or injury.

Suit: Surgeon removed wrong rib and then lied about it. "The cover-up is worse than the crime here," says patient's lawyer.

Are you committing these common lapses in infection prevention? These are most likely to saddle you with a CMS citation.

Rare brain disease detected in patient. Arkansas facility reopens after a possible diagnosis of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Taxing Question: Is it an ASC or part of a hospital? A bundle of cash is riding on the designation.

Court: Surgical hospital could Be liable for nurse sexually assaulting patient. The hospital is accused of failing to provide background checks and adequately training staff of sexual misconduct prevention.

Has double-booking surgery gone too far? U.S. Senate scrutinizing doctors who do 2 operations at once.

How do you manage fluid waste? Readers reveal what it takes to keep OR floors dry during the messiest procedures.

Make assembling instruments sets easy and efficient with this Idea That Works from Minnesota.

Get the most out of your Malignant Hyperthermia drills. 11 tips to help make sure you're prepared for the worst.

Thinking of Buying ... A C-arm. Streamlined design and digital data have improved imaging.

Infection Prevention: Improving your antibiotic prescribing. Nurses can prevent antibiotic overuse by becoming stewards.

In Case You Missed It ... Check out the top 10 viewed features on

Protect fragile blades with this Idea That Works from Pennsylvania.

Editor's Page: fired for fighting for patient safety. Pre-admitting RN says hospital's call quotas jeopardized patient care.

The case for IV anti-inflammatories. IV NSAIDs should figure prominently in multimodal pain protocols.

Keep patients' escorts happy with this Idea That Works from California.

Coding & Billing: 6 strategies to get your claims paid correctly. Don't let minor errors in coding, registration or billing trip you up.

Get flashing under control with this Idea That Works from Florida.

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