Hitting the sweet spot with reposable instruments. Reusable-disposable tools can improve quality and efficiency while also saving money.
Coding & billing: Are you leaving money on the table? Conduct an in-house claims audit to find out.
Doubling down on cataract surgery. Same-day bilateral procedures are shaping up to be the next evolution in eye care.
Business advisor: Get patients to pay in full on the day of surgery. Collect deductibles and co-pays before you wheel patients back.
Ideas that work: Innovative ideas. Make time for face time with your team.
Can you speed up your reprocessing department? You can't cut corners or skip steps, but automation can help you get sets back to the OR sooner.
Stay on top of post-op complications with this Idea That Works from Surgicare of Oradell.
Editor's Page: An administrator's work is never done. The days are never dull when you must be an expert in everything.
Keep your staff in the loop with this Idea That Works from Dakota Eye Surgery Center.
Philly eye facility adds 4 inpatient beds, insists it's now a hospital. But CMS says 4 beds do not a hospital make.
Doc no longer facing drug-theft charges, but hospital that accused him in hot water. Effort to catch alleged drug thief compromised the privacy of hundreds of women.
5 keys to a fast and focused MH response. Staff who act quickly and decisively are more likely to save a life.
Stay current on electrosurgery. Don't let your patients get burned by energy-based technology.
The finer points of sharps safety. Focus on these 4 areas to reduce risks of cuts and sticks.
Keep OR floors clear and dry. For the surgical team, safety starts from the ground up.
Pearls for proper patient positioning. Use the right type of equipment for the patient and the procedure to keep your patients safe.
Marking the site right (correctly). There are lots of ways to do it wrong, but only a couple of ways to do it right.
It's time for honest discussions about medical care gone wrong. Q&A with Marty Makary, MD, MPH, patient safety advocate and healthcare transparency proponent.
Stop the preventable medical error crisis. How many more patients must die before we decide enough is enough?
Spot every sponge. Give your staff the help they need to ensure no object is left behind.