All 10163 Results

Medical Malpractice: Don't get tripped up with these EHR errors. A simple typo could still put you at risk of a negligence lawsuit.

San Diego hospital sued over secret videos of exposed female patients. The videos came to light as a result of alleged effort to foil drug diversion.

Potential doomsday mcr-1 gene found in first U.S. patient. The mutant gene resists all known antibiotics and can easily be passed between bacteria.

Patient Wakes Up, Makes Death Threats to Connecticut Surgery Center Staff. Police say she hit and punched staff members, yelled "I'm one of those bad people!"

Bair Hugger target of suit claiming it caused deadly infection. Manufacturer blames rival and opportunistic lawyers, insists warming device is safe.

Substance abuse in surgery. Providers with alcohol and drug problems put themselves, and their patients, at risk.

Patient Safety: 54 years of progress ... or stasis? Leadership and culture change are needed to turn the tide.

You're going to love OR Excellence. Fast facts about surgery's friendliest conference and the gorgeous resort.

Fear: The hidden killer. Being afraid to speak up cripples communication, prevents teamwork and leads to tragic results.

Join the price transparency revolution. Are you ready to post your prices online? Your patients are watching and waiting.

Ethical decision-making during a disaster. Do you agree with the life-and-death choice made by the medical staff of one New Orleans hospital in the desperate days after Hurricane Katrina?

Resuscitating a dying surgical center. You'll learn many do's and don'ts from this amazing turnaround story.

Roll out the red carpet for your patients. Treat your patients like honored guests.

Content is king and serving you is key at OR Excellence. A conference you'll be glad you attended.

What if a killer walked into your facility? Prepare for the worst to keep your patients, staff and surgeons safe.

Are you ready for the Tournament of Champions? Test your knowledge of all things surgical in our fun, informative game-show format.

Making of a healthcare leader. Providing patient care and managing surgical services are very different worlds.

Schedule at a Glance - ORX Session Previews - June, 2016

How to perfect your central sterile department. This session is for you if you think a good autoclave can cover up a bad reprocessing department.

Avoid infection control disasters. Expert-led workshop tackles hot-button issues in SSI prevention.

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