Optimize your MH response. Closing gaps in your malignant hyperthermia drills now could be a lifesaver later.
Ace your accreditation survey with this Idea That Works from Baltimore, MD.
Is that scope clean? No guarantees. Even rigorous by-the-book cleaning doesn't ensure that your flexible endoscopes will be free of bacteria and bioburden when you hang them to dry.
Prevent pressure ulcers. 14 strategies to protect your patients from skin lesions caused by friction and unrelieved pressure.
Slow down, save a life. Keeping your staff safe is a challenge in the fast-paced environment of same-day surgery.
Cutting remarks: Forgiveness: Don't leave home without it. Carrying around old hurts robs us of happiness, joy and energy.
Boost your patient satisfaction survey return rate with this Idea That Works from Austin, Texas.
Thinking of buying ... Pain pumps. Provide patients with consistent, long-lasting pain relief.
Address fire safety when patients are listening with this Idea That Works fom Rockford, IL.
What surgeons want in their gowns. Comfort, breathability and mobility are nice, but barrier protection is the most important attribute.
Business advisor: Maximize your marketing efforts. A new way to think about promoting your facility to patients and surgeons.
Bill would eliminate medicare co-pays for polyp removal during colonoscopies. Currently, screenings are covered, but Medicare bills patients for excisions.
Former head of sales testifies NECC president knew his company was to blame for tainted steroids outbreak. Ron Ronzio told jurors that as soon as they got word that a patient was ill after being injected with an NECC steroid, president Barry Cadden "knew
The program is set for OR Excellence 2017. Make plans now to join top surgical leaders in Las Vegas for 3 days of learning, networking and fun.
A strong culture of safety begins with leadership. The Joint Commission outlines what healthcare leaders must do to promote and support safe practices.
What's behind the spike in Opioids disappearing from VA hospitals? The drug losses have been attributed to clinical staff stealing medications, either for their own use or for sale on the street.
Redesign & reinvent your reprocessing room. The central sterile department at St. Cloud Hospital is a high-tech, staff-friendly wonder.
Total joints are jumping. We opened a brand new surgery center to keep up with skyrocketing demand.
ORs built for speed. Combining the latest technologies with a functional design improves clinical efficiencies.
Check out every detail of your ORs --; before they're built. Q&A with Will Adams, M.Arch., master architect and guru of virtual reality design.