All 10368 Results

Thinking of buying a new anesthesia machine? If features don't add value to patient care in the outpatient environment, you can end up overspending.

Manning the MHAUS hotline. Answers to 10 common questions about malignant hyperthermia.

What makes us anesthesia providers tick. Head-of-the table insights for getting the most out of your providers.

The quest for patient-pleasing anesthesia. 10 ways your anesthesia providers can boost patient satisfaction.

The case for capnography. Monitoring of end tidal CO2 is an essential patient safety practice your facility shouldn't be without.

Surgery's role in slowing the opioid epidemic. Q&A with TJ Gan, MD, MBA, MHS, FRCA, internationally known post-pain management expert.

Tools for better airway management. Advanced devices and expert techniques have anesthesia providers — and their patients — breathing easier.

Collect from self pay clients with this Idea That Works from Baton Rouge, La.

Avoid complications in cataract surgery. How to steer clear of common, but preventable, post-operative adverse events.

Guaranteed delivery of sterilized sets. Our crosscheck program verifies that wrapped and rigid instrument trays arrive in the OR ready for use.

Let's get serious about sharps safety. I'm on a quest to eliminate cuts and needlesticks from the OR. Are you ready to join me?

Ideas That Work:??? Signs of the Times Improve Hand Hygiene - Outpatie

Avoid product trial headaches with this Idea That Works from Montgomery, Ala.

Get pants over a bulky bandaged foot with this Idea That Works from Oradell, New Jersey.

Behind closed doors: Slight exaggerations. Surgical sayings that stretch the truth just a bit.

The courage to speak up. Will your staff stick up for your patients when they sense trouble in the OR?

Infection prevention: Our "Scrub the Hub" campaign. Brushing up on IV hub and port disinfection.

Editor's page: Opening up about a threat that closed down an ASC. 'I have a gun and I'm coming to shoot up the place, so be ready.'

Don't be a stranger to the scope room. Because there's a lot you don't know about endoscope reprocessing.

Cut down on the opioid prescriptions with this Idea That Works from Beverly Hills, Calif.

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