Are You Doing Enough to Prevent Pressure Injuries; Proper patient positioning will protect patients' skin from avoidable harm.
Safety: Can You Spot the Drug Safety Hazard?
Staffing: From Buddy to Boss
When Will Your State Outlaw Surgical Smoke? Last month, Rhode Island passed the first state law mandating surgical smoke evacuation. It could help clear the air in ORs across the country.
Looney Toons; Another Use for Your Big-Screen Monitor
Can You Pass This Decontamination Quiz? See how well you know all that your reprocessing techs need to know.
Editor's Page: Can You Teach an Old Guy New Apps?
No Interruptions; Quiet, Please: Instrument Set Assembly in Progress
Behind Closed Doors; Only an OR Nurse Would Understand
Why Look at the Ceiling: Walking into the OR Helps Reduce Anxiety
Hydrocolloid Dressing; Prevent IV Hub Pressure Ulcers
The Count Is Off - Now What? We created a step-by-step poster to resolve incorrect counts and hung it on every OR wall.
Do You Care to Clear the Air? Can new airflow and air purification products help solve the drawbacks of traditional ceiling-to-floor laminar airflow?
What's New in Eye Surgery; Check out the nifty new products introduced at ASCRS this spring.
3 Golden Rules of Fluid Waste Disposal; Follow these tips for safe, economical liquid waste management.
Intro Letter - OR Excellence 10th Anniversary Preview
The Nurse Manager's Role in Patient Safety; It's your responsibility to create an environment that ensures staff remain vigilant about protecting those in their care.
Exploring Fort Lauderdale; There's plenty to see and do in and around the beautiful Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa.
Distracted Doctoring; Put down your cell phones and turn away from computer screens to focus on what matters most: concentrated patient care.
Mixed Reality in Surgery: Dare to Creatively Disrupt; The first surgeon to ever use Google Glass in the OR touts the technology that's poised to redefine how you perform surgery.