All 10360 Results

There's That Cataract Van Again; Does outsourcing cataracts make sense for your facility?

Patient Satisfaction: Up Close and Unscripted; Staff at Bayfront Health Spring Hill encouraged to be themselves with patients.

Patient Safety: Priority One Protecting Patients; Houston Physicians' Hospital is committed to optimizing patient safety.

Environmental Stewardship: Blue Is the New Green; The team at Memorial Hermann Surgery Center has found many innovative uses for blue wrap - both in and out of the OR.

Staffing: 4 Tips for Dealing With Chronic Complainers; Don't minimize the potential damage from staff negativity.

Ideas That Work: Mark Breast Tumors With RFID Tags

Ideas That Work:Emergency Preparedness;Fire Evacuation Drills (Not) for Dummies

A Closer Look at Image Enhancement Technology;Help your surgeons see the sharper clarity, contrast and detail they've been missing.

Safety: How Many Pain Pills Do Patients Really Need; match the number of opioids to the procedure to stop overprescribing.

Pain Control: Cruising Down the ERAS Pathway; Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital likes the way the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery program handles its patients' pain.

Infection Prevention: The Instrument Whisperer Has Spoken; Tips on dealing with instrument repair and maintenance.

Have You Tried EMRs Lately?; Going paperless isn't as painful as you might think. No, really.

Thinking of Buying... Whole-Room Disinfection Systems; Your options for attacking bacteria that survive manual cleaning.

Legal Update: Dueling ASC Ownership Models; Can traditional ASC management companies compete with today's PPMs?

Shopping for a Compounding Pharmacy: Ask these 5 key questions to find the right drug supplier.

Anesthesia Alert: Cancellations Aren't Always Anesthesia's Fault; When a case is postponed, there's often plenty of blame to go around.

Lawsuit: When PACU Lights Dimmed, Doc Asked Wife to Hold Penlight on Her Husband's Leaking JP Drain; Woman claims the sight of the oozing incision caused her to faint and fall, fracturing her distal fibula and tearing a ligament.

Infection Prevention: Are You Opening the Door to SSIs? Simple steps to reduce OR foot traffic - a preventable infection risk.

Is That Scope Clean? Verify It; Now you can confirm that reprocessed scopes have no residual contamination or damage that could harbor future microbes.

2018 Cataract Survey: What's Hot and What's Not; Readers weigh in on new eye surgery technology, new drugs, new procedures and more.

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