368 Results for Patient Experience

Study finds mobile app follow-ups as effective as in-person visits. Breast reconstruction patients loved the convenience of mobile app-based follow-up, and were no more prone to complications.

Pre-warming: The key to preventing hypothermia? How soon you start warming patients could determine how quickly they're discharged from PACU.

What's new in patient cmmunication apps? Engage with patients in a more intimate way -- on their cherished mobile devices.

Warming trends. What are your rules for keeping patients normothermic?

Heavy duty: Are you prepared to treat the rising population of obese patients?

How well do PONV predicting systems work? Study finds the best are only fair to good.

The guidelines that are changing surgical patients' care. Updated standards buck tradition in favor of early ambulation and doing away with NPO.

Thinking of buying ... Patient warming solutions. What's the best way to maintain normothermia in your patients?

Orthopedic positioning pointers in photos. When procedures call for you to suspend limbs, articulate joints and hyperextend necks, injuries are just waiting to happen.

Hidden benefits of patient warming. The value of maintaining normothermia extends beyond contentment into the not-so-obvious areas of infection prevention and pain management.

Anesthesia's role in curbing the opioid epidemic. Q&A with Asim Alam, MD, FRCPC, DRCPC, anesthesiologist and opioid-use researcher.

New strategies to prevent nausea and vomiting after surgery. Updated guidelines tell us how to manage patients who are at increased risk for PONV.

Fixing our broken pre-admission process. We met our goal of 100% chart readiness by 6 p.m. on the night before surgery.

Take our blanket warmers quiz. Bonus points if you know the recommended maximum temperature for warming cabinets, and if warmed blankets can burn a patient.

Is prolonged fasting hurting your patients? Our survey found that most surgical facilities routinely instruct patients to fast for excessively long pre-op periods

12 tips for safe Trendelenburg positioning. Read this surgeon's advice before you lower the head and raise the feet of another patient.

Safe at home. Ensuring rehab goes smoothly in the weeks after surgery is the final piece of the patient care puzzle.

Who are the best candidates for same-day joints? Set a foundation for success by selecting suitable patients.

4 burning questions about patient warming. A skirmish over the science of warming is heating up.

Strategies for more precise surgical fluid management. Your intraoperative fluid therapy decisions influence post-operative outcomes.

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