Free On-Site Daycare, this Idea That Works can help your employees.
Elimnate clear liquid mix ups with this Idea That Works.
Keeps patient throughput smooth with this Idea That Works.
Surgeons' Lounge: toothbrush trick. A cheap way to clean your duodenoscopes
This Idea That Works gives you a simple way to prompt your surgical team to conduct patient safety checks.
Make patient flow easier and more efficient with this Idea That Works.
Hang large IV bags with this Idea That Works.
Surgeons' Lounge: Vapor victory. E-Cigarettes show the dangers of surgical smoke.
Surgeons' Lounge: Fluid in, fluid out. DIY urinals - Recycle sterile surgical fluid bottles to measure urine output.
Increase efficiency in moving patients with this Idea That Works.
Surgeons' Lounge: Paperwork Plus - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - March
Use this Idea That Works to ensure that all bottles are clearly marked with the date when you need to remove them.
Make patients feel extra special with this Idea That Works.
This Idea That Works shares knowledge with sister centers to keep everyone on track.
Help your surgeones easily locate their patients with this Idea That Works.
Ideas That Work: Blanket security. Tie warming blankets to bed posts.
Ideas That Work: Charitable donations. Give expired supplies to those in need.
Ideas That Work: Empty your pockets. Ensure unused supplies find their way back to the storage room.
Ideas That Work: Where are my cothes? Here is a simple way to ID patient belongings.
Ideas That Work: Quick hitters.