1158 Results for Ideas That Work

Dual-purpose pre-op/recovery bays improve workflow efficiency. An Idea that Works from San Antionio, Texas.

Recycle unused gowns and gloves with this Idea That Works from Waltham, Massachusetts.

Keep children in your reception room happy with this Idea That Works from Colorado Springs, Colorado.

See equipment demonstrations on YouTube with this Idea That Works from Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Provide more communication with your surgeon using this Idea That Works from Traverse City, Michigan.

Improve on patient satisfaction scores and reduce overtime costs with this Idea That Works from Houston, Texas.

Avoid wasted effort by scheduling early with this Idea That Works from San Antonio, Texas.

Gowing is a breeze with this Idea That Works from Arlington, Va.

Clean the protective plastic lens over your OR lights with this Idea That Works from Oak Brook, Illinois.

Discharge patients with home made chicken noodle soup, an Idea That Works from Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.

When traditional medications don't work for PONV try this Idea That Works from Whittier, California.

Make it easier to know which consult room a family is meeting with the surgeon in with this Idea That Works from San Diego, California.

See the status of a chart quickly with this Idea That Works from Sewell, New Jersey.

Cut down on missing instruments with this Idea That Works from San Diego, California.

Make it easy to get patient satisfaction surveys done with this Idea That Works from Austin, Texas.

Michael Jackson's Thriller by the surgical team at Lafayette (La.) General Health.

Surgeons' Lounge: Hollywood premiere. Increase surgeon attendance at meetings

Stay on your stool in the OR with this Idea That Works.

Elimnate clear liquid mix ups with this Idea That Works.

Keeps patient throughput smooth with this Idea That Works.

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