Several advances provide physicians with better views of more areas of the colon. Read about 5 colonoscopy game-changers.
11 GI Efficiency-Boosters You Can Implement Today - Outpatient Surgery
Innovations in Gastroenterology - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July,
Do We Need Anesthetists in Endo Suites? - This Just In - June, 2013
Colonoscopy Co-Pays are Covered, With a Catch - This Just In - May, 20
How Did a Routine Endoscopy Result in Brain Damage? - This Just In - M
5 Flexible Scope Reprocessing Enhancers - Outpatient Surgery Magazine
GI Done Right - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - February, 2013
Deep Sedation Used in 8.7% of Routine Colonoscopies - This Just In - J
Couple Gets $1.25 Million in Post-Colonoscopy Infection Judgment - Thi
Is Upper Endoscopy Overused for GERD? - This Just In - December, 2012
Colon Cancer Breathalyzer? - This Just In - December, 2012
What's New in Gastroenterology - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - July, 2
The Changing Economics of Colonoscopy - Outpatient Surgery Magazine -
Court Says Hospital Can Terminate Pot-Smoking Endoscopy Nurse - This J
Happy Holidays From the Wizards of Endo - This Just In - December, 201
HD Camera in a Pill? - This Just In - November, 2011
Transporting Contaminated GI Scopes - This Just In - November, 2011
What Makes My Busy GI Center Tick - Outpatient Surgery Magazine - Nove
15 Secrets of High-Performing GI Centers - Outpatient Surgery Magazine