190 Results for Gastroenterology

How does the structure and design of a healthcare facility impact the performance of the surgeon and the outcome of the surgery?...

People who love the outdoors and value affordable living are flocking to Boise, Idaho, making it one of the fastest-growing cities in the country. This incredible population...

Colonoscopes are the workhorses of endoscopy centers. When evaluating these products, focus on their reliability, image quality and features that improve visualization and navigation for the endoscopist. Let’s drill down...

Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.

Outpatient Surgery Magazine's eNews Briefs. Bringing you the surgical news you want.

The better surgeons can see anatomy during minimally invasive abdominal procedures, the more precise their work will be. Ultra-high-def camera systems, image-enhancement...

This is a hectic time to run a GI center, isn't it? As you keep pace with newly scheduled colonoscopies and work through a backlog of postponed procedures, know the stakes...

Getting back up and running and returning to a sense of normalcy are phrases that have been thrown around since COVID-19 hit. As elective procedures such as colonoscopies began to ramp back up after last year's nationwide...

The Oregon Clinic Gastroenterology East at Gateway in Portland ?shut down in March for nearly two months when the pandemic's initial wave hit the west coast hard....

Ultrathin endoscopes have proven to be invaluable instruments for examining the upper GI tract of patients with challenging anatomy, even if that wasn't their intended...

When the American Cancer Society recommended colonoscopy screenings should start at age 45 instead of age 50 last May, you might have wondered how you were going to...

Boost Your Endoscope Efficiency;Small improvements in colonoscopy screenings will help keep patients moving.

The heavy use and repeated high-level disinfection flexible endoscopes endure can be problematic. A pinhole in an insertion tube, a drop of moisture collection...

Boost Your Adenoma Detection Rate; ADR is the gold standard in colonoscopy quality. Do you measure up?

The long, narrow lumens of flexible endoscopes can make reprocessing the delicate instruments feel like an exercise in futility. But despite the inherent challenges...

Healthcare facilities continue to face challenges in performing safe and effective endoscope reprocessing. Is it any wonder? The complex design of endoscopes makes...

You can manually clean an endoscope until it shines and examine every millimeter of its insertion tube for pinhole leaks, but none of that matters if fluid remains in the scope's...

Cleaning dirty endoscopes is a high priority, but the equally critical process of getting dirty scopes safely to the cleaning area — and keeping them clean on the way back...

Boost Your Adenoma Detection Rates; The latest scope upgrades enhance views of the colon to highlight hard-to-spot growths.

How long can an endoscope hang in storage before you have to reprocess it again? There's no definitive answer, but 7 days is the consensus storage interval based on research...

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