Ask the Informatics Nurse

Whether you’re looking for ways to improve your outpatient surgery procedures or cut down on documentation burdens, our blog has you covered.

At AORN Syntegrity, we know perioperative nursing informatics! Our operating room documentation and procedure list enhances your electronic health records (EHR) software, reducing the documentation burden and standardizing perioperative processes. This goes for the 800+ healthcare facilities who use AORN Syntegrity, from enterprise-level hospital groups to independent ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs).

Check this blog regularly for news and information that can help streamline your operating room management and staffing.

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5 Ways to Enhance Operating Room Efficiency


Operating room (OR) efficiency is critical to the success of any healthcare facility. Efficient ORs lead to improved patient outcomes, increased staff satisfaction, and better financial performance. Achieving and maintaining high levels of efficiency requires careful planning, continuous monitoring, and the implementation of best practices and advanced tools. Here's 5 ways you can enhance your OR efficiency: 

1. Streamline Scheduling 

Effective scheduling is the backbone of OR efficiency. Ensure that scheduling practices minimize downtime and avoid overbooking. Utilize scheduling software that can integrate with electronic health records (EHR) and provide real-time updates. The software should account for surgeon availability, case length, and the necessary turnaround time between procedures. Investigate your software or AI capabilities to harness predictive analytics. This approach will enhance your scheduling process by allowing you to plan more effectively based on historical data and trends.

2. Standardize Procedures and Protocols 

Standardization reduces variability and enhances predictability in the OR. Develop and implement standardized procedures for common surgeries. Create checklists to ensure all necessary steps are followed, reducing the likelihood of errors and omissions. 

3. Enhance Communication 

Effective communication among the surgical team is essential for smooth operations. Implementing communication tools such as intercom systems, instant messaging apps, and digital dashboards can help keep everyone informed. Regular briefings and debriefings before and after surgeries can also improve team coordination and address any issues promptly. 

4. Optimize Inventory Management 

Efficient inventory management ensures that necessary supplies are always available without overstocking, which can lead to waste and increased costs. Use inventory management systems that provide real-time tracking of supplies and automatic reordering. Ensure that all staff members are trained in proper inventory management practices. 

5. Invest in Staff Training and Education 

Continuous education and training for OR staff can significantly improve efficiency. Regularly update the team on new protocols, technologies, best practices and AORN (Association of periOperative Registered Nurses) Guidelines. Encourage cross-training so that staff members can perform multiple roles, enhancing flexibility and coverage during peak times or staff shortages. 

Unlocking OR Efficiency: How AORN Syntegrity Paves the Way 

AORN Syntegrity is a powerful tool designed by AORN and experienced OR informatics nurses to enhance OR efficiency by providing standardized perioperative documentation. Here’s how AORN Syntegrity can contribute to a more efficient OR: 

  • Standardized Documentation: AORN Syntegrity offers standardized templates for perioperative documentation, ensuring consistency and completeness. This reduces the risk of errors and omissions, leading to better patient outcomes. 

  • Improved Communication: By providing a common language and framework for documentation, AORN Syntegrity enhances communication among the many teams that collaborate through the surgical process. This ensures that every team is on the same page, reducing misunderstandings, errors and delays. 

  • Enhanced Compliance: The standardized templates align with regulatory requirements and best practices, helping healthcare facilities maintain compliance with industry standards. This reduces the risk of penalties and improves overall quality of care. 

Improving OR efficiency demands a comprehensive strategy encompassing scheduling, standardization, communication, inventory management, staff training, technology, and patient flow. Incorporating AORN Syntegrity into your operations can significantly streamline documentation, improve communication, and ensure adherence to best practices. 

Discover more about AORN Syntegrity and how it enhances OR efficiency, leading to improved patient care, higher staff satisfaction, and enhanced financial performance for your healthcare facility. 

Contact us today to schedule a 15-minute introductory call with our nurse informatics team, or email [email protected] for more information. 



  1. AORN Journal. "Optimizing OR Scheduling: Best Practices and Strategies." AORN Journal, vol. 109, no. 3, 2019, pp. 345-362. 

  1. AORN Journal. "The Importance of Standardized Surgical Procedures." AORN Journal, vol. 110, no. 1, 2020, pp. 112-128. 

  1. Journal of Healthcare Management. "Effective Communication in the Operating Room." Journal of Healthcare Management, vol. 25, no. 2, 2018, pp. 67-78. 

  1. AORN Journal. "Best Practices for Inventory Management in the OR." AORN Journal, vol. 111, no. 4, 2021, pp. 512-527. 

  1. American Journal of Surgery. "Continuous Education and Training for OR Staff." American Journal of Surgery, vol. 207, no. 3, 2019, pp. 418-432. 

  1. AORN Syntegrity. "Standardized Perioperative Documentation." AORN, 2023. Accessed 11 July 2024. <>. 

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