9 Results for AORN Syntegrity

In the fast-paced and high-stakes environment of the operating room (OR), nurses play a crucial role in ensuring patient safety and the success of surgical procedures. However, the increasing burden of documentation requirements is contributing to a significant rise in burnout among OR nurses. In this blog, we explore the main causes of this burnout, the toll it takes on nurses, the downstream impact on healthcare revenue, and potential solutions to mitigate this issue within the perioperative setting.

There doesn't need to be an insurmountable mountain for IT professionals to climb in order to get you up and running.

Our survey found that nurses who are working long hours to compensate for staff shortages or technological ineffectiveness face challenges with documentation and procedure scheduling.

Informatics consultants can help with EHR implementation, but a growing healthcare team needs a full-time informatics nurse on staff to avoid technology headaches.

In 2023, AORN Syntegrity awarded 39 perioperative nursing professionals with Professional Education Grants to attend Expo 2023. See how it all turned out.

Coding conditions and procedures is the best way to uniformly collect data. But too many codes can also lead to confusion. Find out how your OR team can enhance interoperability?

Saving and improving the lives of patients will never be cheap. If saving money in the OR is something on your agenda, start by identifying why your OR is so expensive.

Today, data factors into healthcare more than ever before. Learn more about informatics nursing and how this growing field is shaping the way we operate in healthcare.

Most nurses want to be part of making a patient’s experience safer, less scary and more comfortable. AORN Syntegrity is ever striving to improve the nursing experience for operating room teams and patients alike.