Exhibitor Education Activities

Earn Contact Hours in the Expo Hall

Participating exhibitors in the Expo Hall have partnered with Pfiedler Education, a division of AORN, to provide even more continuing education opportunities for conference attendees. 

While you navigate the Expo Hall, keep an eye out for these exhibits and participate in their in-booth accredited education activity. Check back often, more programs will be added leading up to the conference. 

For each activity, you are eligible to earn 2.0 CH.

Exhibitor Education Activities

Topic Funding Provided By
Needle Arthroscopy: Minimally Invasive Alternative to Standard Arthroscopy Arthrex logo 260x44
Contamination and SSI Risks with Compounding in the OR: How to Keep Your Patients Safe
It’s Time for a Change: Best Practices for Surgical Glove Changing
Safely Choosing the Most Appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Clear the Air® : The Time is Now
Surgical Tourniquet Safety
Emerging Technologies and Evolving Designs of the Hybrid Operating Room Getinge
Best Practices for Expanding Your Access to Minimally Invasive Surgery
Wound Closure: How Perioperative Nurses Can Help Improve Patient Outcomes
Enhancing Safety in the OR to Prevent Retained Surgical Sponges
Mitigating the Dangers of Surgical Smoke in Your OR
Specimen Management: Reducing the Risk of Formalin Exposure
Preventing Pressure Injuries: Best Practices for Prone Positioning
Optimizing Operating Room Ergonomics: Best Practices for Orthopedic Teams
Implementing a Climate of Safety: Consensus Results on Surgical Gloving Best Practices
Head to Heels: Protect Your Patients from Serious OR Complications
Is it Really Clean?: ATP Contamination Monitoring
The Ins and Outs of Counts: Advances in Surgical Count Technology
Creating an Ecosystem of Safety for the Surgical Care Environment
Enhancing Surgical Efficiency and Patient Safety through Industry Partnerships Stryker Logo with No Padding
From Risk to Readiness: Preventing RSI & Maternal Harm Stryker Logo with No Padding
Clearing the Air: Taking Action Against Surgical Smoke Stryker Logo with No Padding
Care & Handling of Powered Surgical Instruments
Personal Protective Attire: A Focus on Surgical Helmet Systems
Tourniquets: Safety, Application and Post-Op Pain Reduction

Continuing Education Provided by:

Pfiedler Education

  • AORN is provider-approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP13019.
  • The Healthcare Sterile Processing Association has approved each educational activity.
  • Each course awards 2.0 contact hours to attendees that complete the course requirements.