Poster Abstracts

Poster authors agree when submitting an abstract that they retain copyright ownership of the abstract and poster. They warrant that the poster is factually accurate, and that nothing in the poster violates any proprietary or personal rights of others.

Any and all expenses associated with the poster display (including conference registration and travel) are the responsibility of the poster author(s). AORN does not reimburse any expenses or financially support poster authors. However, you may be eligible for a Foundation Grant - applications will open in the Fall.

Notification emails regarding acceptance will be sent early in 2024. If you already have a complete poster that you’ve displayed elsewhere, you must still submit an abstract to be reviewed for acceptance. Late-breaking submissions will not be accepted.

The types of poster abstracts AORN looks for are diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practice innovation, clinical improvement/innovation, research, design/concept, and evidence-based practice. The following are the criteria to address in your abstract based on the poster type:

Submit Poster Abstract

Poster Guidelines

Please address each section of the criteria separately in your poster abstract based on poster type.

All abstracts should accurately reflect the latest AORN Guidelines for Perioperative Practice and identify which Guideline is being referenced. Clinical process abstracts that might not fit into a Guideline should identify if the intent of position statements or other tools such as orientation resources are reflected.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) Practice Innovation

These abstracts should depict how your facility is making a difference in disparate patient outcomes. (eg Social determinants of health, unconscious bias, workforce diversity). They will be reviewed by the AORN Global Surgical Conference & Expo Advisory Task Force. We encourage submissions that may be design ideas and not completely implemented to include:

  • Identification of problem
  • Description of team
  • Preparation and planning
  • Assessment
  • Implementation
  • Outcome
  • Implications for perioperative nursing

Clinical Improvement/Innovation Poster (Clinical issue, Performance Improvement, Quality Initiative, Patient-Centric Care)

The abstract will be reviewed for acceptance based on the below. It will be reviewed by the Global Surgical Conference & Expo Advisory Task Force. What to include in the abstract:

  • Description of team
  • Preparation and planning
  • Assessment
  • Implementation
  • Outcome
  • Implications for perioperative nursing

Research Poster

The abstract will be reviewed for acceptance based on the below. It will be reviewed by the AORN Nursing Research Committee.

  • Problem/Purpose
  • Literature Review
  • Research Question/Hypothesis
  • Conceptual Framework
  • Methodology
  • Data Analysis
  • Results
  • Conclusions/Discussion
  • Perioperative Nursing Implications

*Abstracts for Design/Concept posters may be submitted.

Design/Concept Poster

* A Design/Concept poster is a research poster in progress. It has all the components developed and the results are the only portion missing. These posters, once completed, may be submitted again for the following year.

The abstract will be reviewed for acceptance based on the below. It will be reviewed by the AORN Nursing Research Committee.

  • Study question and background information
  • Design description
  • Methodology

Evidence-Based Practice Poster

The abstract will be reviewed for acceptance based on the below. It will be reviewed by the AORN Nursing Research Committee.

  • Clinical Problem/Significance
  • Background
  • Clinical Question
  • Description of Evidenced-Based Protocol
  • Implementation of Evidenced-Based Protocol
  • Results
  • Conclusions/Discussion
  • Perioperative Nursing Implications

A virtual poster competition is held before the conference. Authors that wish to enter their poster are asked to have a PDF of the poster ready to submit in December.

Posters are judged on the following criteria and winners are notified before the conference.

Uploaded posters will be displayed in AORN’s virtual poster gallery for conference attendees to review and evaluate for 30 days after the close of the annual meeting.

    The DEI Patient Committee will judge each poster virtually. Judging criteria is below.

    • Poster is captivating
    • The content includes a statement of the DEI problem or plan to address the problem
    • The content explains the method
    • The content is logically connected
    • The outcome is clearly stated

    The top three posters in this category will receive an award.

    Clinical Improvement/Innovation Judging Criteria

    The Global Surgical Conference & Expo Advisory Task Force will judge each poster virtually. Judging criteria is below.

    • Poster is captivating
    • Title and heading fonts are clear and effective
    • Project title and author(s) are prominent
    • Body font is clear and effective
    • Figures are clear and effective
    • Display is free of spelling and/or grammatical errors
    • The poster structure leads the judge through the content
    • Submitted abstract summarizes the poster
    • The content includes a statement of the problem
    • The content explains the method
    • The content summarizes a user-centered result
    • The content is logically connected
    • The outcome is clearly stated

    The top 10% of Clinical Improvement/Innovation posters will receive an Award of Excellence.

    Research Judging Criteria

    These posters will be judged virtually by members of the AORN Nursing Research Committee using the below methodology.

    • Introduction gives sufficient background to understand the study.
    • Hypothesis or clinical question clearly stated.
    • Methods are clearly explained and the sample size is appropriate.
    • Results are clearly stated and figures and tables meaningfully convey the material.
    • Conclusions are clearly described and supported by the results, implications to periop nursing are described.
    • Appearance

    The top three posters in this category will receive an award.

    Evidence-Based Practice Judging Criteria

    • Purpose is clearly stated.
    • Synthesis of evidence guiding practice change (demonstrates need or rationale of the project).
    • Proposed change in practice is discussed.
    • Strategies used for implementation are outlined.
    • Evaluation results clearly described.
    • Significance of the work (impact small to large).
    • Appearance

    The top three posters in this category will receive an award.

    Design/Concept Judging Criteria

    These posters will be judged virtually by members of the AORN Nursing Research Committee. Judging criteria is below.

    • The content captures the study question, design, and methodology.
    • The overall impression of the poster.

    The top three posters in this category will receive an award.

    Creating Your Poster Display

    • Poster dimensions may not be larger than 7 feet wide by 3 feet tall.
    • Display boards are cloth covered tack boards that are 8 feet wide by 4 feet tall. A 22-inch-wide by 4-inch tall title sign will be placed at the top of the board and may not be moved or removed.
    • Fabric posters work best because they are easy to transport and do not crease. They are available from retailers like PosterSmith and Laminated posters are another good option. Posters made from foam core are not ideal.
    • T-pins are the best way to attach a poster to the boards. Velcro does not stick well to the cloth board. Please bring your own T-pins.
    • Complete displays must fit within the allotted area; no additional space will be provided.
    • You may display handouts and business cards but you will need to reduce the length of the poster to accommodate them. They must be attached to the board in the allotted space.
    • The name(s), credential(s), and facility(ies) of all authors must be listed on the poster.
    • A facility logo may be placed on the poster but may not exceed 2 inches x 4 inches.  Please do not place an AORN logo on your poster.
    • Absolutely no commercial support may be shown on the poster. Product photos may be used only if the manufacturer name cannot be seen in the photo or if the product is the only one on the market. Using company names or specific products in the poster text is also prohibited.
    • Non-compliance with these rules will result in the poster being removed from display without warning!

    Displaying Posters

    • The poster author(s) are solely responsible for displaying the poster at the Surgical Conference & Expo. DO NOT send posters to AORN Headquarters or the convention center.
    • You must have a badge to be at Global Surgical Conference & Expo. Please register here to attend or apply for a Foundation grant.
    • Poster author(s) are required to hang poster(s) prior to 12pm on the Saturday before the Surgical Conference & Expo begins.
    • Poster authors are asked to be at their posters during pre-scheduled times to answer questions from attendees. Dates and times will be announced prior to the conference..
    • The poster must be picked up between 12 and 2pm on the last day of the conference.
    • AORN assumes no responsibility for lost or stolen posters.