Vida Tan

Nurse Professional Development Consultant

Tan holds the role of nursing professional development consultant for perioperative services in the Central Valley Region at Kaiser Permanente.

Storri Blake

Perioperative Nurse Educator

Storri has filled many roles in the perioperative field and has been involved in many training programs.

Melissa Hermanson

Administrator at Ambulatory Care Center

Hermanson is an innovative nurse leader, focusing on patient safety and quality of care delivery.

Jamie Ridout

Surgery Center Executive Director

AORN National Secretary, Jamie Ridout, has more than 30 years of perioperative leadership experience.

Emily Jones

Perioperative Practice Specialist

Jones is a PhD candidate focusing on the connections between organizational factors and perioperative nurse safety attitudes.

Cheri Ackert-Burr

Clinical Specialist Education

Cheri is an active contributor and seasoned professional in the perioperative field.

Princess Sarah Culberson

Humanitarian, Actress, Author of "A Princess Found"

Princess Sarah Culberson is a renowned international thought leader, TEDx speaker, artist, and educator known for her work on biracial and cultural identity, as well as her advocacy for Sierra Leone.

Brian Ferguson

Founder of Arena Labs, Speaker

Brian Ferguson, a former Navy SEAL Officer, White House worker, and US national security expert, established Arena Labs, a groundbreaking healthcare company.

Travis Reece-Nguyen

General and Pediatric Anesthesiologist, DEI Leader

Dr. Reece-Nguyen, a board-certified general and pediatric anesthesiologist and is a prominent diversity, equity, and inclusion leader.

Diane Sieg

Speaker, Author, Coach

Diane empowers nurses and nurse leaders with the skills, structure, and support they need to improve their well-being in work and life with self-leadership.

Patricia McGaffigan

Patient Safety Leader, Committee Member, Speaker

As vice president of Safety at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), Patricia oversees a comprehensive range of patient and workforce safety initiatives.

Susan Campis

Nurse Leader, Mentor, Chief Wellness Officer

Susan serves as the chief wellness officer of uLeadership and is also a dedicated nurse leader with a commitment to coaching and mentoring.

Kay Kennedy

Nurse Leader, Leadership Researcher

Dr. Kennedy had led large nursing teams, serves as the CEO of uLeadership, and helped develop the Human-Centered Leadership model.

Lucy Leclerc

Author, Executive, Leadership Researcher

Dr. Leclerc helped develop the Human-Centered Leadership model, which focuses on establishing a healthy mindset and self-care practices.

Lisa X. Walden

Healthy Workplace Consultant, Author, Speaker

Lisa is seasoned consultant who takes a holistic approach to workplace strategy and prioritizes the pivotal role of people as invaluable assets.

Michelle Lemmons, BSN, RN, PHN, CNOR, CCSVP

Field Sales Training Program Manager, Surgical Solutions

Michelle Lemmons is a field sales training program manager.

Sandra Conaway, MSN, CNOR

Clinical nurse educator

Sandra Conaway is a nurse educator with 40 years of nursing experience.

Susan Scott, MSN RN WOC Nurse

Quality improvement/patient safety educator

Susan Scott serves as quality improvement/patient safety educator with the University of Tennessee, College of Medicine.

Kathy Warye

Founder of Infection Prevention Partners

Kathy Warye is the founder of Infection Prevention Partners

Daphne Stannard, PhD, RN, CNS, NPD-BC, FCCM

Associate Professor

Dr. Daphne Stannard is an associate professor, teaching medical-surgical/critical care nursing and EBP.

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